Central Library

Ramakrishna Mission
Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute (RKMVERI)
Belur Main Campus

(Deemed to be University as declared by Govt. of India under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

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Vasudeva Dattaraya Divekar (rev.) (Personal Name)

Preferred form: Vasudeva Dattaraya Divekar (rev.)

Machine generated authority record.

Work cat.: (OSt): Bal Gangadhar Tilak 8937, Srimad Bhagavadgīta-rahasya or Karma – yoga – śāstra : : including an external examination of the Gītā, the original Sanskrit stanzas, their English translation, commentaries on the stanzas, and a comparison of eastern with western doctrines etc. , 2016

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