Srimat Yatindra Ramanujacharya, Bani Basu (tr.) & Kajal Sen Gupta (tr.). (1968). Śrīmat Bhagavat Gītā : with an introduction, sanskrit text, translation, syntax, word for word translation and substance of each sloka in English (from the original Bengali of Srimat Yatindra Ramanujacharya). Sri Balarām Dharmasopan: Khardah, 24 - Parganas.
Srimat Yatindra Ramanujacharya, Bani Basu (tr.) and Kajal Sen Gupta (tr.). 1968. Śrīmat Bhagavat Gītā : with an introduction, sanskrit text, translation, syntax, word for word translation and substance of each sloka in English (from the original Bengali of Srimat Yatindra Ramanujacharya). Sri Balarām Dharmasopan: Khardah, 24 - Parganas.
Srimat Yatindra Ramanujacharya, Bani Basu (tr.) and Kajal Sen Gupta (tr.). (1968). Śrīmat Bhagavat Gītā : with an introduction, sanskrit text, translation, syntax, word for word translation and substance of each sloka in English (from the original Bengali of Srimat Yatindra Ramanujacharya). Sri Balarām Dharmasopan: Khardah, 24 - Parganas.
Srimat Yatindra Ramanujacharya, Bani Basu (tr.) and Kajal Sen Gupta (tr.). Śrīmat Bhagavat Gītā : with an introduction, sanskrit text, translation, syntax, word for word translation and substance of each sloka in English (from the original Bengali of Srimat Yatindra Ramanujacharya). Sri Balarām Dharmasopan: Khardah, 24 - Parganas. 1968.