Śrautakośaḥ : śrautayajñānuṣaṅgivacanasaṃkalanarūpaḥ śrautasūtrānuvādarūpaśrca = श्रौतकोशः - श्रौतयज्ञानुषङ्गिवचनसंकलनरूपः श्रौतसूत्रानुवादरूपश्र्च = Śrautakośa - Volume 1 - Sanskrit section [Based on the Saṃhitās, the Brāhmaṇas, the Āraṇyakas and the Baudhāyanaśrautasūtra] : the seven havis - sacrifices together with the relevant optional and expiatory rites and the Pitṛmedha.
Śrautakośaḥ : śrautayajñānuṣaṅgivacanasaṃkalanarūpaḥ śrautasūtrānuvādarūpaśrca = श्रौतकोशः - श्रौतयज्ञानुषङ्गिवचनसंकलनरूपः श्रौतसूत्रानुवादरूपश्र्च = Śrautakośa - Volume 1 - Sanskrit section [Based on the Saṃhitās, the Brāhmaṇas, the Āraṇyakas and the Baudhāyanaśrautasūtra] : the seven havis - sacrifices together with the relevant optional and expiatory rites and the Pitṛmedha.
- Vaidika Saṃśodhana Maṇḍala 1958
- 38p., 888p., (HB)
Vedic literature
Vedas - Rites and ceremonies
Sacrifice (Hinduism)
294.5921 SRA V.1
Vedic literature
Vedas - Rites and ceremonies
Sacrifice (Hinduism)
294.5921 SRA V.1