Central Library

Ramakrishna Mission
Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute (RKMVERI)
Belur Main Campus

(Deemed to be University as declared by Govt. of India under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Ślokavārttika : translated from the original Sanskrit with extracts from the commentaries of Sucarita Miśra (The Kāśikā) and of Pārthasārathī Miśra (The Nyāyaratnākara)

Kumārila Bhaṭṭa

Ślokavārttika : translated from the original Sanskrit with extracts from the commentaries of Sucarita Miśra (The Kāśikā) and of Pārthasārathī Miśra (The Nyāyaratnākara) - The Asiatic Society 1985 (repr.) - xlv, 555p., xiii


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