The New popular encyclopedia : a general dictionary of the arts and sciences, literature, biography, history, geography, &c (Vol. 12)
Charles Annandale (ed.)
The New popular encyclopedia : a general dictionary of the arts and sciences, literature, biography, history, geography, &c (Vol. 12) - NBBC Publishers & Distributors 2014 - viii, 480p. - The New Popular Encyclopedia .
8183152244 (HB), 9788183152242 (HB)
Encyclopedias and dictionaries
032 NEW V.12
The New popular encyclopedia : a general dictionary of the arts and sciences, literature, biography, history, geography, &c (Vol. 12) - NBBC Publishers & Distributors 2014 - viii, 480p. - The New Popular Encyclopedia .
8183152244 (HB), 9788183152242 (HB)
Encyclopedias and dictionaries
032 NEW V.12