Word power made easy : the most effective vocabulary builder in the English language including latest word-list
Norman Lewis
Word power made easy : the most effective vocabulary builder in the English language including latest word-list - 2nd rev ed. - Goyal Publishers 2000 - xiv, 686p.
Inv no.UP-QNAR-135587171-2016-17-389782; dt.01-09-2016
9788183071000 (PB)
English language – Etymology
428.1 LEW(WOR)
Word power made easy : the most effective vocabulary builder in the English language including latest word-list - 2nd rev ed. - Goyal Publishers 2000 - xiv, 686p.
Inv no.UP-QNAR-135587171-2016-17-389782; dt.01-09-2016
9788183071000 (PB)
English language – Etymology
428.1 LEW(WOR)