Central Library

Ramakrishna Mission
Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute (RKMVERI)
Belur Main Campus

(Deemed to be University as declared by Govt. of India under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956)

Vedānter āloke Khrīsṭer śailopadeśa = বেদান্তের্ আলোকে খ্রীস্টের শৈলোপদেশ

Swami Prabhavananda = স্বামী প্রভবানন্দ

Vedānter āloke Khrīsṭer śailopadeśa = বেদান্তের্ আলোকে খ্রীস্টের শৈলোপদেশ - Bengali : Second Edition, 1984 - Udbodhan Kāryālaya 2008 (Reprint) - 82p.

Inv. No. N0130 dt. 21-09-2009

8180402487 (PB)

Swami Prabhavananda. - 1893-1976. - a disciple of Swami Brahmananda
The sermon on the mount according to Vedanta (in English)

294.555811 PRA(VED)
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