Liberty or death: India's journey to independence and division
Patrick French
Liberty or death: India's journey to independence and division - Flamingo 1998 - xxv,467p.
bill No. 8961 dt.30.04.2010
9780006550457 (PB)
India - History - Partition, 1947.
India - History - British occupation, 1765-1947.
Nationalism - India - History
954.0359 FRE(LIB) NOVEL
Liberty or death: India's journey to independence and division - Flamingo 1998 - xxv,467p.
bill No. 8961 dt.30.04.2010
9780006550457 (PB)
India - History - Partition, 1947.
India - History - British occupation, 1765-1947.
Nationalism - India - History
954.0359 FRE(LIB) NOVEL